14 August, 2006

Oh Had I Only Know When I Was Young

Yesterday Drew and I were playing soccer with the aid of a wallball court. We soon drew the attention of an 8 year old boy who had grown bored of watching his father play wallball. We asked him to join us in our game. He hesitantly played with us and thought we were infinitely better than two lifetime rec league players ever could be. Running around the court, Drew and I quickly realized two things one that we are woefully out of shape and two we missed out on several fundamentals when we were little.

Our youthful cohort also seemed on a track to miss these fundamentals as well. Whenever we tried to explain some subtlety to him, the explanation clearly went right through him. The energy of an 8 year always astounds me.

I feel much more sympathy for my childhood coaches, who put up with me and my peers. Hopefully I'll be able to teach and be taught by a group of kids in sincerity someday soon.

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